Install and set up QuickBooks Desktop for Mac. Choose View > Show View Options, or press Command-J, then, at the bottom of the window, check Show Library Folder. Go go to your home folder you should see folders like Documents, Pictures, Movies, etc. Step 3: Restart your device Step 4: Reinstall QuickBooks First, you need to tell your Mac to display this folder. Go to Library, then Preferences folder.From a new Finder window, open the Macintosh HD.Note: XX is the QuickBooks version you’re using. Find PLIST files that contains 20XX, then move them to the Trash.

Clean mac desktop registration#
*Preference files that store registration and any preferences set within QuickBooks, shows.

Change the name of the folder to suit your needs. This is not a problem when there are only a few items on the desktop, but when they start to accumulate, Finder will. The Mac Finder treats any folder or file on your desktop as if it was a window. Here are some of the best methods you can use. Click on the title of the folder you just created. There are a number of ways that you can perform a Mac cleanup. You can also use the Command-Shift-N keyboard shortcut. This can cause your QuickBooks to be unregistered. To create a folder on Mac: Right-click in an empty area on the desktop. Once removed, all preferences will revert back to its default settings. Important: You need to remove both PLIST* files from the User and System folder. MacKeeper boasts improved functionality, a refreshed design, and an easy-to-navigate interface.
Clean mac desktop how to#
Learn how to clean install or clean uninstall QuickBooks for Mac.